Sunday, July 31, 2011

ground "rules"

Using the Block Party concept as a springboard as well as comments and ideas pulled from several of you here are some basics to get us started.

- There are twelve of us. Each month a different person is responsible for picking a group of fabrics and a general design for the "block(s)" each person will create. This design could be indicating that you want to use a specific type of pattern such as log cabin or you can suggest something more open ended such as a theme like spring. As the host you should also determine the size parameters of the blocks and the quantity.

- The host for the month will mail or hand deliver their fabric selections to the rest of the participants.

- The other 13 members of the group all take the same fabrics and create their own version of the block, they are then sent back to the host of the month (the host of the month will determine if they are okay with additional fabrics from our stash to be included in the block) we should all post pictures of our blocks to this blog before sending them back to the host.

- The host assembles their quilt based on what they are given (and posts pictures, of course)

- What do you all think about the quilting aspect? For those of us who live closer together we could possibly have an occasional in person meet up to do some quilting. By the end of just over a year everyone will have their own finished quilt.

Did I forget anything? Be sure to login and introduce yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't be comfortable quilting some one else's quilt- 1, I'm not that skilled, and 2, everyone has distinct preferences when it comes to how it's done. And 3, I'd feel super guilty if I didn't get to it quickly.
